【Basic rights and duties when working in Japan】
~Seminar for foreigners working in Japan~
~Seminar for foreigners working in Japan~
In this seminar, you will learn basic information you should know before working in Japan (labor regulations, taxes, etc.).
In order to work safely and securely, it is necessary to know your duties and rights properly. If you are working or planning to work in Japan, please join us.
Our instructor, who is international HR consultant with extensive experience in corporate employee training and lecturing at universities and companies in Japan and abroad, will provide solid and
reliable information from a foreigner's perspective.
Applications will be closed when capacity is reached. Please register as soon as possible.
Registration: https://forms.gle/9zudAWzQpqyUMoP27
お申し込みはこちらから: https://forms.gle/9zudAWzQpqyUMoP27
Date 日時: December 13th(Sunday) 14:00〜16:00 12月13日(日)14時~16時
Venue 会場: Online(zoom) オンライン(ズーム)
Fee 参加費:¥1000 (paypal, credit card, bank etc.) 1000円(ペイパル、クレジットカード、銀行振り込み等)
Language 言語: Conducted in Japanese (with English subtitle) 日本語で行いますが、英語の字幕が付きます
Capacity定員: 50 persons 50名
Registration 申し込みURL: https://forms.gle/9zudAWzQpqyUMoP27
Speaker 講師: Mr. Ichiro Asami 淺海一郎氏
Naitei Bridge Co., Ltd.CEO, Founder 内定ブリッジ株式会社 代表取締役・創設者
Naitei Bridge Co., Ltd.CEO, Founder 内定ブリッジ株式会社 代表取締役・創設者
Hosted by 主催: Language Plus One ランゲージプラスワン
Contact 連絡先: info@language-plus-one.com (Kumi Tanaka 田中久実)
Contact 連絡先: info@language-plus-one.com (Kumi Tanaka 田中久実)
To see the leaflet: https://drive.google.com/.../1DTqmi88K6KkxwxvK0h3.../view...
Ⅰ. Company rules
· labor regulations
· overtime
· paid holiday, etc.
Ⅱ. Financial matters
· salary
· income tax,
・inhabitant tax
· health insurance,
・employment insurance
· pension, etc.
Ⅲ. After starting work
· visa change, renewal
· maternity leave
· changing residence,
Ⅰ. Company rules
· labor regulations
· overtime
· paid holiday, etc.
Ⅱ. Financial matters
· salary
· income tax,
・inhabitant tax
· health insurance,
・employment insurance
· pension, etc.
Ⅲ. After starting work
· visa change, renewal
· maternity leave
· changing residence,
Ⅰ. 会社の規則
- 労働規則
- 残業
- 有給休暇など
Ⅱ. 財務に関すること
- 給与
- 所得税
- 住民税
- 健康保険
- 雇用保険
- 年金など
Ⅲ. 就業開始後
- ビザの変更・更新
- 産休
- 転居 など
Ⅰ. 会社の規則
- 労働規則
- 残業
- 有給休暇など
Ⅱ. 財務に関すること
- 給与
- 所得税
- 住民税
- 健康保険
- 雇用保険
- 年金など
Ⅲ. 就業開始後
- ビザの変更・更新
- 産休
- 転居 など
Speaker’s information
Ichiro Asami
内定ブリッジ株式会社(Naitei Bridge Co., Ltd.)CEO, Founder
Japan External Trade Corporation (JETRO), a major export consortium expert; with a teaching record spanning 20 years. During his time in Meiji University majoring in Political Science, he was involved in volunteer support for youngsters in juvenile (in association with Ministry of Justice). Thereafter, entering the language teaching industry, he took charge of approximately 25,000 students ranging from international exchange students, corporate professionals from about 64 countries.
Ichiro Asami
内定ブリッジ株式会社(Naitei Bridge Co., Ltd.)CEO, Founder
Japan External Trade Corporation (JETRO), a major export consortium expert; with a teaching record spanning 20 years. During his time in Meiji University majoring in Political Science, he was involved in volunteer support for youngsters in juvenile (in association with Ministry of Justice). Thereafter, entering the language teaching industry, he took charge of approximately 25,000 students ranging from international exchange students, corporate professionals from about 64 countries.