Free Career consultation for English teachers in Japan



Free Career Consultation event

The 7th Free Career Consultation for Foreign Residents (this time, for English teachers) in Japan will be held on Nov 2. 1-on-1 individual consultation, all in English. The content of our conversation is strictly confidential, so please feel free to attend.


Why is it free?

It is one of our promotional activities. The purpose of this event is to let more foreigners in Japan know that there are places where one can consult with a consultant if one is worried about one's job or career.

The job of a career consultant is to discuss career-related concerns and help clients become aware of issues and create pathways for taking action on one's own. After the session, your thoughts will be organized and you will feel refreshed and positive. Please come and experience it for yourself.




We look forward to welcoming you there.





将来のキャリア、転職など、さまざまな相談ができる場です。英語力のあるプロのキャリアコンサルタントが相談に応じます。セッションは1対1で行われ、守秘義務は厳守されます。 応募多数の場合は抽選とさせていただきます。

